

This is very basic course to learn to read the Holy Quran correctly by seeing with proper Tajweed rules. We will develop the students to identify Arabic alphabets. On the completion of this course students will be able to read the Holy Quran with Tajweed rules. The student will be taught basic Islamic Education with deeniyat syllabus which includes Quran, Hadees, Aqaaid O Masaail, Islami Tarbiyat & Zabaan.

This course is especially designed for kids and for those adults who want to take their initial step into learning The Holy Quran recitation with proper Arabic pronunciation. In this course we ensure you a very close attention of your teacher and very good interpersonal and communication skills to guide you step by step. Our aim in this course is to make students to be able to read the Holy Quran with proper Tajweed rules and pronunciation.

QIRA’AT… It is necessary be aware of knowledge of Qira’at to know how to read Holy Quran properly, therefore we have Qira’at section to make our students able to recite the Holy Quran properly and melodiously. Qira’at, which means literally the readings, terminologically means the method of recitation. Each Qira’at is then transmitted via a riwaya (transmission) named after its primary narrator. Each of the riwayas is the whole of the Qur’an as recited by a master in all the variants which are transmitted from him.


This course is designed for those who want to memorize the Holy Quran correctly. Our expert teachers guides the students step by step giving specific lessons every day as homework.


The Qur’an is the word of Allah the most exalted. Its every syllable is from Allah. Its recitation must be taken very seriously.

Tajweed( ﺗﺠﻮﻳﺪ ) is an Arabic word meaning correct pronunciation during recitation. It is a set of rules which dictate how the Qur’an should be read. It comes from the root word ‘ja-wa-da’ meaning to make well, make better or improve. However in this course it is taught reciting the QuraanShareef with its correct makhraj& with different intonations.

Allah commands us: “And recite the Qur’an distinctly (tarteel)”.
The most important part of Tajweed is learning about correct positions of the organs of speech and the manner of articulation. The Qur’an can lose its meaning if the letters are not pronounced correctly.

Tajweed is not intended to be about just learning rules and committing them to memory, but rather the correct application of those rules while reciting the Qur’an.


QIRA’AT… It is necessary be aware of knowledge of Qira’at to know how to read Holy Quran properly, therefore we have Qira’at section to make our students able to recite the Holy Quran properly and melodiously. Qira’at, which means literally the readings, terminologically means the method of recitation. Traditionally, there are 10 recognised schools of qira’at, and each one derives its name from a famous reader of Quran recitation. Each Qira’at is then transmitted via a riwaya (transmission) named after its primary narrator. Each of the riwayas is the whole of the Qur’an as recited by a master in all the variants which are transmitted from him. It is a corpus of recitation. The forms of each recitation are referred to by the notable students of the master who recited them. So we will find the turuq (transmission lines) of so-and-so, the student of the master.