Five Pillars of Islam SHAHDAH (Kalma Tayyab), SALAH (Namaz), FASTING (Roza), ZAKAH (Zakat) and Hajj Progress of Ahl-E-Sunnat wal Jamat especially Unity of Ahl-E-Sunnnat, progress of religion and development of knowledge of Ahl-E-Sunnat. To work in the field of Success of the people of Ahl-E-Sunnat and establish Islamic. To work of the progress of Ahl-E-Sunnat in the villages, towns and as well as in rural areas. February 7, 2025 Supervise the property of Muslim Waqf, Madersa, Masjid, Khanqakh Imambada etc. To make brotherhood and unity between Muslims in every area of the all surroundings villages.